Beneficial Bacteria, Enzymes and other Additives
14 products
Find our collection of beneficial bacteria, enzymes and additive products to help you achieve the perfect conditions for your indoor plants to thrive. Most growers are now savvy about the benefits of establishing beneficial bacteria in the plants’ root zones, particularly in coco and soil-grown plants. And many growers make use of enzymes to break down dead roots and other organic material to keep the rootzone healthy – especially important when growing in coco media.
Beneficial bioinoculants include Mycorrhizal fungi, which can act as a second set of roots, helping your plants take in nutrients. And Trichoderma fungi, which can fight off fungal root disease effectively. Beneficial bacteria will also help plants break down complex nutrients into a form suited to plants and fix nitrogen-based issues too.
For more information about beneficial bacteria and enzymes, call Critical Mass Systems today on 0114 3221440
Bacteria Products for Healthy Plants
Here are some recommended products to help you introduce bacteria and enzymes to your indoor plants.
Ecothrive Biosys: a unique formulation of beneficial microbes, fungi and plant growth stimulants that provide all the activity your plants need without the hard work. Designed to improve root function, nutrient and water availability, disease prevention and plant health. And, increases the speed of breaking down organic matter.
Ruby Fulvic: a fulvic acid product containing multiple sources of fulvic to aid plant growth at each cycle stage. Fulvic acid clings to less transportable elements and helps them move around the plant more efficiently without over-fertilising.
Hygrozyme: a powerful enzyme product that keeps your plant’s rootzone clean, healthy and free from infection. Hygrozyme breaks down dead roots and other organic matter to ensure healthy white beautiful roots - beneficial when growing large plants in pots or if you want to re-use your coco media.
Ecothrive Neutralise: a concentrated vitamin C product that instantly dechlorinates and neutralises your water so it’s ready for use immediately when required. A great time and cost-saving additive for your plants.
Advantages of Beneficial Bacteria and Enzymes in Plants
Beneficial bacteria for plants live symbiotically in the rootzone and produce chemicals and hormones that stimulate growth and improve the health of plants. The bacteria colonise the rootzone and help plants absorb more water and nutrients whilst protecting them from disease.
Beneficial bacteria also help plants filter out soil contaminants and stimulate growth in the roots, leading to bigger and healthier yields. The bacteria will decompose dead organic matter and release compounds into the soil or coco which is then taken up by the plants. Once in the soil, bacteria will colonise and multiply, leading to a large population of bacteria that breaks down organic matter quickly.
Furthermore, beneficial bacteria can act as an effective pesticide too. Many insects live and thrive in and around your plants and growing media. But bacteria can break the life cycle and prevent it from reproducing effectively. While other additives are ideal for controlling soft-bodied insect populations such as aphids or thrips.
Overall, bacteria-based insecticides are far less toxic than chemical solutions and help you regulate the growing media in which your plants live.