Magna Mater Boost
- £34.95
- £34.95
This Incredibly powerful boost product from Magna Mater is another of our favourites in the range, it performs incredibly well and once again true to Magna Mater beliefs its been made super concentrated to give you the best value for money and make it easier to transport and save on materials enabling them to make this product comparatively much cheaper than any other top end booster on the market.
Cheaper to use however doesn't mean less effective, Magna Mater Boost is already proving to be a winner with our customers and is impressing old and new growers in every type of system and substrate its being used on, make the change today.
Available in 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1L & 5L
Growth stage week 2-4 – 1ml/10L
Flower stage week 4 -last week – 2ml/10L
This is a metabolic enhancer and general plant health product
that contains multiple natural plant growth promotants derived
from triacontanol natural acids, mannitol, auxins, amino acids,
betaines, gibberellins, cytokinin’s and trace minerals derived from 3
different kelps. Namely Ascophyllum Nodosum, Laminaria & Sargassum.
How it works
This complex formulation provides a concentrated and well-balanced solution for use throughout the
plant’s life cycle and will not only allow the plant to manage biotic & abiotic stresses without
losing performance, but increases the rate of photosynthesis, cell division and microbial activity in the
substrate of your choice.
Other benefits include bigger root and shoot development, added enzymatic & hormonal activity,
better branching and larger canopy levels.
This highly concentrated boost should be used from the second week of grow giving your plants an incredible start to life, it does this with the use of Triacontanol which helps improve the rate of cell division enabling your plant to produce larger roots and shoots. When used with Magna Mater Roots and Mono silicic acid it's an unbeatable formula.
Triacontanol which is one of the main ingredients stimulates growth by enhancing the rates of photosynthesis and protein biosynthesis, in turn this helps the plant produce more glucose (sugar) this is the reason the plant absorbs and transports both nutrients and enzymes around the plant while reducing complex carbohydrates.
Metabolism is a main factor in the plants health meaning less chance of plants having deficiencies, increasing the plants natural immune system only helps that plant thrive with user seeing huge differences within days. The main reason for this is the symbiotic relationship that plant has with microorganisms in the root zone. As the plant produces sugars these are passed down to the rhizosphere where the microorganisms feed and help exchange nutrients, increase respiration, and fix nitrogen.
Magna boost has an array of other such ingredients (listed above) all aimed at growth via absorption of nutrients that are there but in some cases are locked away. Magna Mater boost helps to unlock the potential which will blow your mind as the results come though.
This is a metabolic enhancer and general plant health product that contains multiple natural plant growth promotants derived from triacontanol natural acids, mannitol, auxins, amino acids, betaines, gibberellins, cytokinins and trace minerals derived from 3 different kelps. Namely Ascophyllum Nodosum, Laminaria & Sargassum.
This complex formulation provides a concentrated and well-balanced solution for use throughout the
plant’s life cycle and will not only allow the plant to manage biotic & abiotic stresses without
losing performance, but increases the rate of photosynthesis, cell division and microbial activity in the
substrate of your choice.
Other benefits include bigger root and shoot development, added enzymatic & hormonal activity,
better branching and larger canopy levels.
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