Ecothrive Charge
- £5.95
- £5.95
Premium UK Organic Booster for all plants. This is 'Beetle poo' or insect frass to be more precise. Ecothrive Charge is a biological, nutritional and plant defense activating product that provides answers to questions rarely considered by the average grower. It is ram packed full of benefitial biology that will condition media and give that velvety feel to all substrates, through microbes, the key starting point to all organics. These tireless workaholics never stop turning over organic matter, such as old roots, nutrients and building blocks to further processes, that will turn your substrate into the perfect environment for plant growth.
Ecothrive Charge has a gentle and well balanced N-P-K of 3-2-3 that slow releases, this is made super available by the beneficial biology in Charge, and will be there on an recommended dose for around 3-4 weeks, complimenting your liquid feeding program, with no need to change a thing! This combines with Charge's natural ability to activate your plant's defense mechanisms, by the polysaccharide Chitin - It's an all round growth booster!
Whatever substrate you choose to use, Ecothrive Charge will turn that into the home you plant truely deserves. Application Rates:
For Potting Mixes , please thoroughly mix: -
Established Plants - 1L Charge per 50L Coco or 100 Lites of Soil
Propagation - 1L Charge per 100L Coco or 200 Litres of Soil
Mix throughout the substrate of choice and pot up normally. Remember, no need to change a thing when adding in this root, fruit and shoot boosting 100% Organic additive - Just sit back and watch nature take it's course! For further aplications please see www.ecothrive.co.uk, but for those that want to reapply, you can Top Dress it too:
Add 2-4ml oer litre of potting mix - 20-40ml per 10L pot. Watering in after application and apply every 3-4 weeks or as the crop desires!
Available in 1L, 5L or 10L tubs - or try pre-charged substrates! Growing in Coco or Soil , it's already done for you, available here....
For best results water in pre charged media with Ecothrive Biosys for perfect transplanting and no stress.
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